टि-१० लिगमा पारस खड्काको खेल आज ( सम्पूर्ण जानकारी )
२०७६ कार्तिक २९, शुक्रबार
युएईमा आज देखि दोश्रो संस्करणको टि-१० क्रिकेट लिग सुरु हुँदैछ। प्रतियोगितामा यस पटक दुइ नेपाली खेलाडी पारस खड्का र सन्दिप लामिछाने पनि सहभागी रहेका छन्।
कुल ८ टोलि सहभागी रहने प्रतियोगिता नोभेम्बर १५ देखि २४ सम्म अबु धाबीमा संचालन हुनेछ। सहभागी ८ टिमलाई दुइ समुहमा बिभाजन गरेर राउण्ड रोबिन लिग खेलाइनेछ जसपछि सुपर लिग खेलाइनेछ। सुपर लिगमा समुह चरणको अंक समेत जोडिनेछन्। सुपर लिगमा पहिलो देखि चौथो नम्बरमा हुने टिम बीच प्ले-अफ खेल संचालन हुनेछ।
पारस खड्का आबद्ध रहेको टिम ‘टिम अबु धाबी’ रहेको समुह ‘बि’ मा मराठा अरबियन्स, नर्थर्न वारियर्स, कलन्दर्स रहेका छन्। यस्तै सन्दिप लामिछाने आबद्ध टिम कर्नाटका टस्कर्समा बांग्ला टाइगर्स, डेक्कन ग्ल्याडीएटर्स र डेल्ली बुल्स रहेका छन्। पारस खड्का कुनै पनि विदेशी लिगमा खेल्न लागेको यो पहिलो अवसर हो। सन्दिप गत वर्ष टि-२० लिगमा केरला नाइट्सबाट खेलेका थिए। यो पटक केरला टिम लिगमा रहेको छैन।
टिम अबु धाबीमा को-को छन् इंग्ल्याण्ड क्रिकेटर मोइन अलि कप्तान रहेको टिम अबु धाबीमा मोहम्मद आमिर, लुक राइट, मोहम्मद आमिर, निरोशन डिकवेला, कोरे एण्डरसन, रोहन मुस्तफा जस्ता खेलाडीहरु रहेका छन्। टिमको प्रशिक्षक पुर्व इंग्ल्याण्ड प्रशिक्षक ट्रेभर बेलिस रहेका छन्।
कर्नाटका टस्कर्समा को-को छन् दक्षिण अफ्रिकी क्रिकेटर हाशिम अमला कप्तान रहेको कर्नाटका टस्कर्समा मार्लन स्यामुएल्स, इभिन लुइसशापुर जद्रान, फबियएन एलेन जस्ता खेलाडीहरु रहेका छन्।
टिम अबु धाबीले आफ्नो पहिलो खेल नोभेम्बर १५ मा शहिद अफ्रिदी कप्तानीको टिम कलन्दर्ससंग खेल्दै गर्नेछ। खेल शुक्रबार राति नेपाली समय १०:४५ बजे राति खेलिनेछ।
नोभेम्बर १५ ( शुक्रबार ) – Vs कलन्दर्स ( 10::45 PM ) नोभेम्बर १७ ( आइतबार ) – Vs नार्थन वारियर्स ( 5:15 PM ) नोभेम्बर १८ ( सोमबार )– Vs मराठा अरबीयन्स ( 7:30 PM )
समुह चरणमा कर्नाटका टस्कर्सको खेल तालिका :
नोभेम्बर – १६ ( शनिबार ) – Vs डेल्ली बुल्स ( 7:30 PM ) नोभेम्बर – १७ ( आइतबार ) – Vs बांग्ला टाइगर्स ( 7:30 PM ) नोभेम्बर – १८ ( सोमबार ) – Vs मराठा अरबीयन्स ( 5:15 PM )
Photo without captions is like a book without a title. You may have got the right photo but expressing your feelings behind it plays a major role in your overall interaction with the photo.
People look for the photo and then read the caption to understand the context behind it.
Steps to writing a good caption:
1. Gather information about the photo/video: This involves collecting data about the photo like where, when and why the photo was captured. Is there any special motive behind it? Also, ask yourself what is happening in the photo. Express it accordingly without a hyperbole. Use Geo-tagging if needed!
2. Write the perfect caption! Based on step 1, you may have figured out what to write. Just write it down and try to express it as a mini-story. Then check necessary grammar and spelling mistakes.
Yes! Good captions take a long time to draft. But as you write, you will surely master the art of writing good captions.
Here I have collected a list of Best Instagram Captions based on your polls. You can use them as Instagram Captions, on facebook photo captions, etc. It is a collection of best sassy, Instagram, Facebook, badass, love, life and best friend captions!
250+ Best Instagram Captions
Sassy Captions
Life goes on, with or without you.
5’2 my height but my attitude 6’1
Don’t Study me. You won’t Graduate!
If you’re honestly happy, fuck what people think.
Being pissed off gets old. I’m just at a whole new ‘fuck it’ level.
You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
Forgive, yes. Forget, never.
There’s a hole in my heart where you use to be.
I don’t need any part-time people in my life.
Exhale the bullshit.
I got it from my mama.
Thick thighs and pretty eyes.
Instagram Captions
Be a Warrior, not a Worrier.
Go wild for a while.
Rolling with the homies.
When you are Downie, eat a brownie.
All we have is NOW.
We got that Friday feeling.
Catch flights, not Feelings.
Disappointed but not surprised.
How I feel when there is no Coffee. DEPRESSO!
50% Savage. 50% Sweetness.
You can’t do epic shit with basic people.
I myself never feel that I’m sexy. If people call me cute, I am happier.
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.
Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.
It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.
When I feel a little down, I put on my favourite high heels and dance
पोखरा भ्रमणका क्रममा स्कुले विद्यार्थीलाई क्रिकेट सिकाउँदै मेरिलेबोन क्रिकेट क्लबका खेलाडी ।
पोखरा) — धुलो उडिरहेको मैदानको बीचमा कार्पेट बिछ्याइएको छ । स्टम्प, ब्याट र बल राखिएका छन् । विद्यार्थी हुरुरु आए । कसैले बलिङ गरे, कसैले ब्याटिङ । उनीहरूलाई क्रिकेट सिकाउन मैदानमा खटिएका थिए, बेलायतको मेरिलेबोन क्रिकेट क्लब (एमसीसी) का खेलाडी ।
नेपाल भ्रमणका क्रममा पोखरा आएको एमसीसीका खेलाडीले पोखरा मालेपाटनस्थित बाराही माविका विद्यार्थीलाई क्रिकेट सिकाए । एमसीसी फाउन्डेसनले बालबालिकाको क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने संस्था किडासासँगको साझेदारीमा पोखरामा सञ्चालित परियोजनाअन्तर्गत उनीहरू सहभागी भएका हुन् । उक्त परियोजनाको कार्यान्वयन भने बालहितकारी परियोजना नेपालले गरेको छ ।
एमसीसी फाउन्डेसन र किडासाले नेपालमा विद्यालयस्तरमा क्रिकेटका पूर्वाधार निर्माण र प्रशिक्षण दिन ९ महिले कार्यक्रम ल्याएका छन् । उक्त परियोजनाअन्तर्गत पोखराका ५ विद्यालयमा सुविधासम्पन्न क्रिकेट अभ्यास पिच बनाउने फाउन्डेसनको लक्ष्य छ । बाराही माविको मैदानमा पिच बनिसकेको छ । उक्त पिचको उद्घाटन सोमबार पोखरा महानगरपालिका प्रमुख मानबहादुर जीसी र एमसीसी फाउन्डेसनकी निर्देशक एबी कार्टरले संयुक्त रूपमा गरे ।
बाँकी ४ विद्यालय छनोटको क्रममा रहेको बताइएको छ । दुई संस्थाले १० विद्यालयलाई क्रिकेट सामग्री सहयोग गरेका छन् । १५ विद्यालयका छात्रछात्राको छुट्टाछुट्टै क्रिकेट टिम बन्नेछ । ती टिमलाई पोखरामा रहेको क्रिकेट एकेडेमीमा ६ महिना प्रशिक्षण दिइनेछ । ५ प्रशिक्षक र १५ फोकल शिक्षकलाई पुन: तालिम दिने एमसीसी र किडासाको योजना छ ।
एमसीसी फाउन्डेसनकी निर्देशक कार्टरले दक्ष क्रिकेट खेलाडी उत्पादन गर्न पूर्वाधार सुविधामा सहयोग गर्न चाहेको बताइन् । उनले डिसेम्बरमा एमसीसीको महिला टोली ल्याएर नेपालका छात्रालाई क्रिकेट प्रशिक्षण दिने उल्लेख गरिन् । किडासा बेलायतकी प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत जेनिस मिलरले भविष्यमा ‘स्टार क्रिकेटर’ उत्पादन गर्न चाहेको बताइन् । ‘हामी अवसर सिर्जना गर्न चाहन्छौं,’ उनले भनिन्, ‘विद्यालयस्तरबाटै खेलको सीप सिकाएर परिपक्व बनाउने छौं ।’ पोखराका मेयर जीसीले खेलकुदलाई प्राथमिकताका साथ राखेर ३३ वटै वडामा मैदान बनाउन सुरु गरेको बताए । बालहितकारी परियोजनाका अध्यक्ष गोविन्दराज पहारीले परियोजनालाई २ वर्षसम्म निरन्तरता दिने प्रयास भइरहेको जनाए ।
प्रदेशहरू आफ्नै प्रहरी गठन गर्न संघीय कानुनको पर्खाइमा छन् । संघमा भने प्रमाणित गर्ने सभामुख नहुँदा विधेयक संसद्मै रोकिएका छन् ।
काठमाडौँ — नयाँ सभामुख नियुक्त नहुँदा प्रहरीसम्बन्धी दुई विधेयक संसद्मै अड्किएका छन् । प्रहरीको कार्यसञ्चालन र समायोजनसम्बन्धी विधेयक संसद्बाट पारित भए पनि प्रमाणीकरणका लागि राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष पठाउन नसकिएको हो ।
सदनले पारित गरेको विधेयक सभामुखले प्रमाणित गरेपछि राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष पठाउनुपर्ने संवैधानिक व्यवस्था छ । संघीय कानुन नबन्दा प्रदेश सरकारहरूले प्रहरी संरचना गठन गर्न सकेका छैनन् । प्रदेश प्रहरी गठनसम्बन्धी विधेयक प्रदेशसभामा पेस गर्न तयार बसेका उनीहरू त्यसअघि संघीय विधेयक प्रमाणीकरणको प्रतीक्षामा छन् ।
प्रदेश ३ का आन्तरिक मामिलामन्त्री शालिकराम जमकट्टेलले संघीय कानुन नआउँदा प्रहरी विधेयक अगाडि बढाउन नसकिएको बताए ।
‘संघीय संसद्ले पारित गरेका आधारहरू हेरेर विधेयकको मस्यौदा तयार पारिसकेका छौं,’ उनले भने, ‘तर त्यो अझै संघीय कानुनका रूपमा आइनसकेकाले हाम्रा मस्यौदा प्रदेशसभामा पेस गर्न सकेका छैनौं ।’ उनले प्रदेश प्रहरी गठनसम्बन्धी कानुन निर्माण पहिलो प्राथमिकतामा रहेको बताए ।
संविधानमा प्रत्येक प्रदेशका आफ्नै प्रहरी संगठन रहने उल्लेख छ । प्रदेश प्रहरीले सम्पादन गर्ने कार्यको सञ्चालन, सुपरिवेक्षण र समन्वयसम्बन्धी व्यवस्था संघीय कानुनबमोजिम हुने भनिएको छ ।
प्रदेश ५ का आन्तरिम मामिला तथा कानुन मन्त्रालयका सचिव शंकरप्रसाद खरेलले पनि प्रदेश प्रहरीसम्बन्धी विधेयकको मस्यौदा तयार भइसकेको बताए । प्रदेश १ को आन्तरिक मामिला मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता कमलबहादुर थापाले मस्यौदामाथि काम भइरहेको जानकारी दिए ।
प्रदेश सरकारहरूको दबाबपछि संघीय सरकारले प्रहरी कर्मचारी समायोजन तथा नेपाल प्रहरी र प्रदेश प्रहरी (कार्य सञ्चालन, सुपरिवेक्षण र समन्वय) विधेयक संसद्मा लगेको थियो । विधेयकमा प्रदेश प्रहरीको संरचना, प्रमुख नियुक्ति, अधिकार, प्रदेशमा समायोजन हुने प्रहरीको तह र प्रक्रिया समेटिएका छन् ।
बलात्कार प्रयासको आरोप लागेका तत्कालीन सभामुख कृष्णबहादुर महराले राजीनामा दिएपछि उक्त पद खाली छ । उपसभामुखलाई प्रमाणित गर्ने अधिकार नहुँदा पाँचवटा विधेयक राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष पुग्न सकेका छैनन् ।
‘सभामुख नहुँदा उपसभामुखले विधेयक प्रमाणित गर्न सक्ने भनिएको छैन,’ प्रतिनिधिसभाका सचिव गोपालनाथ योगीले भने, ‘नयाँ सभामुखको चयनपछि मात्रै बाँकी रहेका विधेयक प्रमाणीकरणका लागि राष्ट्रपतिसमक्ष पठाइनेछ ।’
राष्ट्रिय परिचयपत्र तथा पञ्जीकरण, भूमिसम्बन्धी (आठौं संशोधन) र औद्योगिक व्यवसायसम्बन्धी विधेयक पनि संसद्मै अड्किएका हुन् ।
State Of emergency: India invades Kalapani in its political map
Nepal's disputed territory has been invaded into the political map of Nepal. This video follows the imperialisitic actions of border invasions in Nepal.
This video, by any means, is not intended to disgrace the people of India. This is only to address dirty politics, military control and imperialism played by India. By India, we do not mean the people of India, it is an address to anyone that is part of this dirty imperial play.
Rolling back the papers of history, Nepal had a bigger empire than it has today, its borders extended from Kangada in the west to Tista in the east. It covered some major parts of China and India. During the Sugauli treaty, Nepal was tricked into handing over those areas to India and some other parts to China.
Nepal is a small country in terms of its area and global power. It is surrounded by the two power ruling nations of the world. They are India and China. Though China has never apparently attacked or tried to invade Nepalese territory, India is a black eye in terms of a land invasion. Though it might sound offensive to some people and I am sorry for that, but Nepal is not the only victim of area invasion and autocratic imperialism. Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are the other major victims of India's terror in territory captivation.
India has developed itself in these years to be one of the strongest nuclear active and military technologies powered nations in Asia and the world. Time and often, India and Pakistan have extreme disputes regarding the controversial areas of Jammu and Kashmir. India plays dirty politics in that area increasing hatred between the Indians and the people of Pakistan. There are statements made by the high-level politicians that even Pakistan occupied Kashmir belongs to them. Indian armies time and often have been attacking the Nepali border areas aggressively. The videos can be abundantly found on youtube.
The government of Nepal seems to have 0 care related to its border issues and apparently seems to have made a hidden deal to let off the Indian invasion in border areas. Armed Indian forces have struck the border areas and have displaced the landmarks which claims the borders between the countries.
I am making a big statement here taking over and repeatedly analyzing the pattern of Indian samrajyawad:;
"India is terrorizing countries!" Yes, absolutely! you heard it right! Though this is completely my opinion and I wont obstruct if you decide to not appreciate or deny what I said. But it is true, repeatedly India has been trying to invade the border of its neighboring countries performing highly suspicious airstrikes, armed forces attack, displacing the landmarks of borders, claiming false terrorist deaths, using media to raise cold wars and imposing border strikes, cutting off trades and many many uncountable.
And now it has taken one step further in declaring its new map where it has invaded the disputed Kala Pani territory within its map. A serious blow of #BackOffIndia has been running in the social medias and why wont they! Though Indias has actually setup its own armed military camp at Kalapani but declaring it now as its own territory makes the intentions clear.
India is indeed an invader, trying to destroy world peace, exhibiting its military control over small nations. The Government Of foreign affairs has told that they are concerned by this act of India and will call on a negotiation with the foreign ministers of India. But this is all dumb shit.
The government of Nepal has been doing nothing to the issues previously when they were invading and leaching inside the borders of Nepal setting up their own armed military campaigns. If Nepal by any means had taken this seriously, this should actually be an emergency call because declaring the political map invading other nations territory is beyond acceptable at any level.
This is indeed the state of emergency, the people of Nepal need faster and better actions to be taken when it comes to border breaching. and How will that be possible? Nepal is a highly social media active country and is capable of pressurizing the government and even the foreign personnel to be concerned about the issue.
The people of Nepal need to call up all their resources, We want you to share this video with the #StateOfEmergency so that these issue gets more attention in Nepal. This would need more media coverage, more social media posts and more video on this issue. Border invasion is unacceptable and is an indirect attribution of the countries showoff of its military power.
Today we celebrate Cristiano's 700th goal. This has been a tremendous career, winning everything everywhere. Today let's look at few of the achievements by The Greatest Player in history.
* Top scorer of 21 Century: 700 Goals * Most goals by an active player. * Most Ballon D'or: 5 * Most FIFA Best Awards: 2 * UEFA Men's Player of the Year Award: 3 * Most Goal 50 Winner: 5 * World Soccer Player of the Year: 5
* Most international goals by an active player: 95 * UEFA Champions League top scorer: 127 * Most goals scored in the history of the FIFA Club World Cup: 7 * Most international goals scored in a calendar year: 32 (Real Madrid + Portugal) * Only player to win the league title, domestic cup, domestic supercup, Champions League, Club World Cup, league player of the year, Golden Shoeand Ballon d'Or at two clubs (Manchester United and Real Madrid) * Most appearances in the FIFPro World11: 13 * First player to appear in the FIFPro World11 for two and three clubs * Only player to score more than 50 goals in seven consecutive calendar years * First player to score in ten consecutive international tournaments * Most different national teams scored against: 40 * Most goals in a UEFA Champions League season by an individual: 17 * Most goals scored in all UEFA competitions: 165 goals * Most goals scored in European competitions (club football): 130 goals * Most UEFA Champions League Final wins by an individual player: 5 wins * Most goals scored in group stage of a UEFA Champions League season: 11 goals in 2015–16 * Most goals scored in UEFA Champions League knockout phase: 56 goals * Most UEFA Champions League goals scored in a calendar year: 19 goals in 2017 * Most goals scored from penalty kicks in UEFA Champions League history: 16 * Most goals scored from direct free kicks in UEFA Champions League history: 12 * Only player to score 15 or more UEFA Champions League goals in three seasons: in 2013–14, 2015–16 and 2017–18 Only player to finish UEFA Champions League top scorer in 6 consecutive seasons (2012–13 to 2017–18) * Most goals scored in the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals: 22 goals * Most goals scored in the UEFA Champions League semi-finals: 14 goals * Only player to score in three UEFA Champions League finals: in 2008, 2014 and 2017 * First footballer to have won the European Golden Shoe in two leagues: English Premier League (2007–08) and Spanish La Liga (2010–11, 2013–14, 2014–15) * Most goals scored in the UEFA European Championship, including qualifying: 36 goals, for Portugal[324] * Most career goals at UEFA European Championship finals: 9 goals, for Portugal * Most goals scored in the UEFA European Championship, including qualifying: 36 goals, for Portugal * Most career goals at UEFA European Championship finals: 9 goals, for Portugal * Most career goals in UEFA European Championship qualifiers: 27, for Portugal * Only player to have scored at four UEFA European Championship finals: 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 * Most goals scored in UEFA European Championship and European FIFA World Cup qualifiers: 51 goals * Most away goals scored in Champions League history: 55 goals * Most UEFA Team of the Year appearances: 13 times * Fastest La Liga player to score 300 league goals (286 games)
Match Day FIFA World Cup Round 2 Asian Qualifiers: Jordan Vs Nepal Venue:- Amman International Stadium Time:- 9:45 PM NST FIFA Ranking: Jordan: 98 Nepal: 161
Head-To-Head: 23 Jul 2011 Jordan v Nepal(L) 9-0 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers 28 Jul 2011 Nepal v Jordan(D) 1-1 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers
Great to know that the suspension of Nepal cricket has been lifted and would like to wish the new committee to work for the betterment of Nepal cricket,players and its stake holders.Nepali Cricket legend Paras Khadka has announced to leave the captaincy of Nepal National Cricket Team.. He said ' It is great to know ICC Ban has been lifted. I have decided to resign so that there is a new way of taking things forward with a fresh start and committed vision with everyone involved."Would like to thank all the players,coaches,umpires,groundsmen,friends, and my family who have helped me throughout this incredible journey.Until next time.
Sandeep Lamichhane tweet regarding Paras Paras Khadka's Resignation from National Team captaincy!
Anmol KC is a Nepalese actor, a producer who is well known as a son of Nepalese superstar Bhuwan K.C. He was born in Kathmandu. He started his career as a producer and he acted in Hostel movie as a lead actor which was released in 2013. Hostel was a blockbuster movie at that time. He did not look back in his acting career after releasing his movie Hostel. He is the lead actor in the most awaited movie of the year KRI.
List of Movies
Superstar – Producer
Ma Timi Bina Marihalchu – Producer
Sathi Ma Timro – Producer and cast
Captain – Next Movie
A Mero Hajur 3
Anmol’s next movie is Captain where he is going to play the role of a British Army. He is pairing up with another young cute actress Upasana Singh Thakuri.
His next movie is A Mero Hajur 3 appearing in the opposite of new face Suhana Thapa (Daughter is Jharna Thapa).
Secrets About Amol KC:
-Anmol KC often likes to stay inside rather than going outside.
-He loves playing music and watching a movie.
-He would like to be paired up with Namrata Shrestha
15 Most (Highest) Earning Nepali Movies of All Time
Nepali movie industry, which is now commonly called as Kollywood, is not the most prosperous movie industry in the world right now. The neighboring country India and China have such big movie industries that compared to them, Nepali movie industry does not really stand a chance. There are very few movies from the Nepalese movie industry that have made big on the international stage.
The main culprit being the lack the quality in movie and technology related to movie making. Also, the talents are not that good when it comes to the art of movie making and cinema. Also, from childhood, Nepali people get influenced by the Indian movies and Hollywood movies to such an extent that Nepali movie industry is always left in the shade. Most of the Nepali citizens do not watch Nepali movies as much as they watch Indian or English movies. That is also the reason Nepali movies do not get as much attention as they should get in a country like Nepal.
However, in the recent years, Nepali movie industry has also been seen to buck up a little to catch up with the recent trends in the movie industry worldwide. Some quality oriented and social movies have come to the scene which has been internationally acclaimed too. Not only that, few of such movies have also made it to different competitions worldwide and earned huge respect from everyone.
Also, because of the number of Nepalese that has been scattered all around the world, Nepali movies get shown in theaters worldwide. That is why Nepali movies have also made huge earnings internationally. In one hand, the audiences inside Nepal have also started watching movies a lot because of the recent craze in theaters and movie industry. In the other hand, the scattering of the Nepali diaspora all over the world has made a huge difference to the rate in which movie goes watch Nepali movie in the theaters all around the world.
Given below are ten such movies, which have made it big in the Nepali movie industry and have been able to earn a lot. The figures given below are in Nepali rupees and it is the gross income for that particular movie.
15 highest grossing Nepali movies of all time
15. Ram Pyari
Ram Pyari is also the greatest film which has crossed the blockbuster box. This film was released on Chaitra 26 and on the same date as Nai Navannu La 4 releasing. This was directed by Sabin Shrestha and the movies are based on romantic love story. The film has cast Rekha Thapa, Sabin Shrestha leading actors. These are the super hit movies in the first list that have made t attractive image and the first image for inserting their recognition.
15. Nai Nabhannu La 4
Nainabhannu La 4 is also one of the highest earning films of Nepal. This film is based on family issues and problems that are suffered by the family as a single person. This film was released in Chaitra6 and it has directed by VikasAcharya. The film has cast Paul Shah, BarshaRaut, Aanchal Sharma as a leading actor. Priyanka Chopra is also acting as the main role in this film. The film story around the child action and issue.
14. Wada number 6
Wada number 6 is also one of the greatest collecting films of Nepal which have crossed more than one crore around the world. The film is based on comedy and love story that shows how the poor boys and third boys want to talk with rich girl and tuck or hypnotized and capture their wealth and property. Movies have also made many recommendations by the people who have watched this once.
The movie cast Deepak Raj Giri, Priyanka Karki, Jitu Nepal KedarghimireSitaramKateland Kishorkhatiwada as leading actor movies have an achieved the new reward self and it was directed by UjjwalGhimire. The movie is appreciated by many people and full of comedy makes you laugh and laugh at every aspect of shots if you watch it.
13. Hostel Returns
Hostel returns are also one of the greatest earning movies of Nepal. This film cast Anmol KC who has recently played the super hit that is DREAMS. The film is all about the hostel and the boys of hostel tell the story of how hostel student moves and runs in the wrong way and wrong habit. The movies have a good combination of wrong and right love story.
These movies have also made the reputation in all the sector and mostly the movies have collected more than one crore around. The movies were directed by SurajGhoshal which was released and Shravwn 4. The movie cast SushilShresthaSashiShresthaand SwostimaKhadka as the main role. This movie has also gained the popularity mostly by the teenager and youth that lives in the hostel and spent the fantastic and funny life a happy life.
12. Pardeshi
In the blockbuster list, the next name is Paradesi which cast the great singer and former Indian Idol PrashantTamang. He was one of the famous singers and still, he is. He has won the Indian Idol which is one of the greatest singing platforms and competition program. The movies are all about the foreign love and labor that a person of Nepal goes to a foreign country for earning the money by. Setting the story, Nepales swat on foreign land the movie leadPrashantTamang as the leading actor in the movies. It was released on Aswin 3. This movie has been directed by Narayan Rayamajhi. It is also one of the super hit movies and has crossed more than 1 Crore in Nepalese collection box.
11. Dream
Dreams are one of the most popular movies of all the time and it has crashed more than 2 crores collecting the funds from worldwide which has released on falgun 21. It has hit at the blockbuster in the news and cinema Anmol KC as leading role and samagraRajalakshmi as actress opposite to Anmol KC this film is directed by Bhuwan KC. This movie has made everyone surprised that a Nepalese movie can even earn such amount if the movies are better and the best. People only come to see the movie when the movies have a good story and good content along with good acting that has the capability to attract the audience.
NaiNabhannu La 2 – (3 Crore worldwide gross)
This movie made it big in the Nepali movie industry a few years back when it first released. Due to the application of new stories, new technological innovations, and good skills in filmmaking, this movie was able to establish itself as a good movie.
Much Nepalese from all around the world enjoyed watching this movie. As a result, the movie grossed 3 Crore Nepali Rupees worldwide.
Prem Geet – (Worldwide gross 4 crore)
Prem Geet is another movie which made it big in the silver screen all around Nepal and worldwide to wherever there are Nepalese living. Because of good songs, a good storyline and capturing the mind and hearts of the youths, this movie was able to earn big at the box office. Currently, the movie stands at worldwide gross earnings of 3 Crore Nepalese Rupee NRs.
Hostel – (Worldwide Gross 4.5 crore)
The hostel is another youth-centric movie which made a big impact in the economic condition of Nepali movie industry. The movie came to the industry as a breath of fresh air to the moviegoers who were bored with the same kind of movie every time they go to watch a movie in the theater. Starring Anmol KC, the son of Bhuwan KC who is a star in Nepali movie industry, Hostel movie made a huge impact in the youth of Nepal. As a result, a lot of people went to the movies to watch this movie. As a result, the movie grossed a total of 4.5 crores in Nepali Rupees (NRs). This movie also opened new venues for filmmakers in the Nepali movie industry as well.
Kabaddi Kabaddi – (Worldwide gross 5 crores)
The next name is KabaddiKabaddi which has also made the people mad and crazy to look this film. This film is based on the story of a village where there is the existence of a small and greater event that we have not noticed. This film has exposed the new schemes of romance and romantic features. The film cast DayahangRai, SaugatMalla, and Resham Gurung as an actress. The movies have a hitten more than 1 crore in the collection box. The movie was released onMangsir 11 as it has directed by Ram BabuGurung. These movies have made a new record in the list of Nepalese cinema collection. The film have also a very good song that made many listeners mirth feeling.
With a worldwide gross of 5 crores, Kabaddi Kabaddi is another movie which was very acclaimed both by the public and the critics in Nepal. All those living in Nepal and elsewhere watched this movie with such an interest. As a result, the lost faith in the movie industry was restored to a certain extent with the coming up of films like this. Kabaddi Kabaddi earned 5 crores as its gross worldwide earning.
Being a comedy and a social satire movie, it made a huge impression in Nepalese all over the world and also gave a good peek to non-Nepalese about the Nepali way of life and Nepali lifestyle.
10 highest grossing Nepali movies of all time
Pashupati Prasad – Worldwide gross 5.5 crore
Pashupati Prasad is also one of the highest earning films of Nepal. The film is based on the contrary issue used that is faced by people in their life due to problems and policies along with the principal. Everyone has their own principal and problems that make them moves through appropriate aspect. The movies were released on March 5th which was directed by Devendra K Khanal. The movie cast KhagendralamichhaneBarshasiwakoti and Bipin Karki as leading actor.
This film based on social life in Nepal is Pashupati Prasad. This movie followed a somber note with serious issues that had been dealt with in the story. The performance by the artists and good direction made this movie a big hit in the Nepali movie industry.
Grossly, the movie Pashupati Prasad made 5.5 crores in just a few weeks that it ran in the theaters worldwide. The social message and good performance are what made this movie a good one to watch out for.
Loot 2- Worldwide gross 8 crore
Sequel of the movie Loot which was a big hit earlier, Loot 2 also made good records in the Nepali movie industry. The movie was much popular among the youngsters and many flocked to the theaters to watch it first-day first show.
Because of good direction from a young director, a group of talented theater artists and a good storyline, the movie made it big in the box office. At the end of its running, the movie Loot 2 made a gross amount of 8 crores. It met the expectations of those who were already a fan of the loot franchise when it first released a few years back.
KaloPothi – Worldwide gross 9 crore
A critically acclaimed movie that released in the recent years is KaloPothi. Following the storyline of the ten years long civil war in Nepal, this movie very realistically depicts the situation of average Nepali living in the hills and mountains of Nepal.
This movie was critically acclaimed for its originality and was awarded a lot of accolades not only from inside Nepal but also all over the world. The movie gave a very grim view of the Nepali lifestyle and was a great success in the box office also. This movie grossed at 9 Crore worldwide just a few weeks after its worldwide release.
Kohinoor – 12 crore worldwide gross
Kohinoor was one of the most popular movies in Nepali movie industry recently because this was the last movie of Nepali star Shree Krishna Shrestha. A very loved actor in Nepali movie industry, Shree Krishna Shrestha passed away just before the release of this movie. As a result, all of his fans flocked to the movie theaters to watch this movie and made this movie an instant hit at the box office. Fans not only from inside the country but also all over the world watched this movie as a last gift from their favorite superstar. As a result, this movie grossed a figure of 12 crores worldwide making it one of the highest earning movies in Nepali film industry.
Loot – 15 crore worldwide gross
The first and initial movie of the Loot franchise is Loot itself. Directed by Nischal Basnet, one of the youngest film directors in Nepali movie industry, Loot created quite a buzz when it first released. Undoubtedly, this is the first movie which pulled Nepali youngsters to the theaters in Nepali scenario. That is why this movie remained in the theaters for a long time and was able to earn a lot too. When this movie first appeared in the Nepali movie industry, the future of Nepali movies started looking quite hopeful and because this movie had a good storyline, great acting, and amazing dialogues, this movie made a huge impact. Grossing at 15 crores worldwide, this movie is still one of the most popular movies in Nepali film industry.
ChakkaPanja – 25 crore worldwide gross
One of the most recent hits of Nepali movie industry is ChakkaPanja. Directed and played by much popular comedy actors in Nepali movie industry, this movie also made a huge impact on the psyche of Nepali moviegoers. The movie was a social satire to the Nepali ways of lives and that is the reason it was really popular among the middle class Nepalese all over the world. It became one of the most popular movies and created a big buzz in the movie industry playing in theaters for a long period of time. In the end, the movie was able to make a surplus of 25 crores worldwide in Nepali Rupees. This was one of the rare occasions in the Nepali movie industry and was a good surprise as well as a hopeful beginning to those working in the Nepali movie industry.
Yes, the film is ChakkaPanja which is one of the comedy films in Nepal and has collected more than 3 crores till now. This movie cast Deepak Raj Giri, Deepa Shree Niraula and other comedian actors. This movie has forecasted the story that is happened in our surroundings. The movies have tried to give the good message to the society and people of Nepal based on social issues and confidential accident this film has made a historical collection of all around the world and the movies have got high appreciation by all the movies watched. Movies have made everyone happy and satisfied with its story and acting. The song and story have made the new screenshot to the people that give the popularity to both watcher and producer.